Oregon Association of Health Underwriters
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2024 Willamette Valley Spring CE
Thursday, March 14, 2024, 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM PST
Category: NABIP-OR

March 14, 2024
7:45 am - 12:35 pm PST

Broadway Commons - Grant Room
1300 Broadway St NE- Salem, OR 97301

Event Registration Fees
Registration includes: breakfast and education sessions

$100.00 per OAHU Member
$130.00 per Non-Member

Thank you to our Refreshment Sponsor - Novo Nordisk Inc. 

Thank you to our Table Sponsors - Kaiser Permanente, Providence Health Plan, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. and Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon

Continuing Education - See Oregon and Washington approved CE listed by each speaker below. Make sure you sign in and out for each speaker at the event to receive CE. 


7:45 am
Registration, Breakfast and the chance to visit with our Exhibitors 

8:00 am

8:10 am
NABIP Ethics and Equity Presentation
Presented by Timshel Tarbet, Chief Healthcare Experience & Equity Officer at Providence Health Plan
This presentation has been approved for 1 hour of Ethics CE by the Oregon Insurance Commission and Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner.

In the "Introduction & Objectives" segment of this transformative course, participants will embark on a journey toward a shared understanding by establishing a common language for equity and ethics. The session addresses the pervasive impact of unconscious bias on decision-making and underscores the significance of health equity as an imperative within the business context. Moving into "Health Equity and Ethical Understanding," the course delves into the distinctions between ethics and morality, laying the groundwork for a comprehensive exploration of ethical principles in healthcare. "Health Equity and Ethical Temperature" explores the delicate nature of trust, emphasizing its gradual buildup and instantaneous fragility. Discussions within this module extend to the intersection of legal compliance and organizational culture. The subsequent module, "Health Equity Ethical Theory into Behavior: Daily Business Interactions," equips participants to identify and manage decision-making triggers while applying ethical evaluation to the business decision-making process. Through insightful case study applications, participants gain perspectives from both individual and business standpoints. Finally, the course guides participants to "Align Theory Into Interactions with the Community," where they learn to balance the interests of clients, members, and organizations, emphasizing the importance of privacy and establishing boundaries in fostering positive community interactions within healthcare settings.

9:10 am

9:20 am
The Economy in 2024: Headwinds, Tailwinds, and Turbulence
Presented by Eric Fruits, PhD, President (Economics International Corp.); Senior Scholar (International Center for Law & Economics); Adjunct Professor (Portland State University) 
This presentation has been approved for 1 hour of General CE by the Oregon Insurance Commission.

With the COVID-19 pandemic in the rear-view mirror, Eric Fruits will provide a forecast of the U.S. and Oregon economy for the next year. He’ll discuss some headwinds, such as elevated interest rates, fiscal pressures on state and local governments, and financial pressures on households and business. He’ll go over some tailwinds, such as increasing employment, rising wages, and increased business activity. He’ll also flag some potential sources of turbulence including international stability leading to slower trade and upcoming federal and state legislation that can have far-reaching effects on the economy.

10:20 am

10:30 am
What Just Happened?! A 2024 Legislative Session Post-Mortem and Look-Ahead
Presented by Tom Holt, NABIP Oregon Lobbyist, The Holt Company
This presentation has been approved for 1 hour of CE by the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner.

An overview of the (by then) recently concluded 2024 Legislative Session: Major policy issues of the Session, and a discuss health benefits- and employer-related bills that passed as well as those that did not pass but are likely to return in 2025. For bills that passed, I will explain their specific impacts and steps that the benefits industry and employers may need to take to implement them. 

11:35 am
DFR Regulatory update and hot topics
Presented by Alex Cheng
This presentation has been approved for 1 hour of CE by the  Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner.

A regulatory update from the Oregon Division of Financial Regulation will provide an overview of new compliance requirements that went into effect in 2024 and the division’s plans to implement statutory changes passed in the 2024 short legislative session. This session will also cover compliance hot topics, such as the Reproductive Health Equity Act, surprise billing, primary care mandates, gender affirming care, miscellaneous health products, and others. 

12:35 pm 

Sponsorship Information

This is a great opportunity for you to increase awareness of your company and the products and/or services you offer to those with the most influence in the health insurance Agent/Broker community in the Pacific Northwest. 

  • Breakfast Sponsor - $750 (max 2)
    One Exhibit Booth | Full Page Advertisement in Event Program | One complimentary attendee registration
  • Refreshment Sponsor - $400 (max 2)
    One Exhibit Booth | Signage at beverage station | One complimentary attendee registration
  • Attendee Table Sponsor - $400
    Register a table of six (6) attendees at discounted price of the registration fee